Friday, July 25, 2008

Fruit Smoothie

I am a creature of habit. There's nothing I love more than finding something that really works, perfecting it, and running with it. My latest breakfast thing is a fruit smoothie. It took a good while until I could made a smoothie worth drinking, but it was totally worth the time and effort. This is the best breakfast trend I've ever been on. Here's what I use

-3 medium strawberries, frozen (I buy a big frozen bag at Costco)
-1 medium banana, frozen (I buy bananas, cut them into small chunks, put them in a ziploc, and stick them in the freezer)
-1/2 C milk (varies depending on desired consistency)
-4-8 oz yogurt of any kind (my favorite is blackberry! I also like raspberry. Again, the amount depends on the consistency you're going for. Experiment!)
-1 t vanilla
-1 T flax seed (for nutritional purposes- it does change the taste and consistency a bit, so leave it out if you don't care for it)
-1 T sugar- optional- it's good without, too (I use sweetener)

Throw it all in a blender and go to town! I often make the smoothie when I get up in the morning, pour it in a travel mug, stick it in the freezer, then grab it on my way out the door. This gives it a half hour or so (depending on how late I woke up) to chill out and just makes it a little more slushie like. This is a completely mold-able recipe, but I've got a pretty good thing going here.

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